Monday, June 25, 2012

Steak Night?

(our steak may not be exactly as shown)

Nash over @ Grumpy's kindly offered to BBQ a steak, spud and beer combo for Thursday night.  He wanted to know by Wednesday if we were interested and at what price.  What are we thinking?  And for what time?  Start the ride earlier at 7 PM sharp and go for steak around 8ish?  Comments please...


  1. I would love to be there but have another commitment to a staff party. I hate to miss out on steak :(

  2. $15 to $20 should get us a reasonable steak, spud, and sud. Anything less and I worry it'll be a Salisbury steak, lucky and McCain fries. I know Duke gets excited by salisbury steak but let's class it up a bit. I'm in.

  3. Would anyone be willing to let Steve B borrow a hitch mount bike rack for the july long weekend. Please call steve at 324-7440
