Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Last week Franklin led bicycle games and races that had the perfect blend of complicated scoring and indiscriminate rules.  It was great.  Thanks Franky.

Congrats DB
See you at 8 and we'll see what shakes out of the ABES tree.

SAVE THE DATE…Family camping and biking on the Canada day long weekend at the  Cuyuna Trails.  All y'all are invited.  Carve out your family fun time while the carving is good.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Franklin was going to plan an evening of races and bike skills.
But maybe he didn't.
See you at 8.

Friday, March 14, 2014

ThNR Report

David, Shaun, James, Evan and I zipped around town on a beautiful night.  We appreciated the fact that the weather didn’t hurt us.  The pace was good but eventually the clubhouse was calling and we succumbed.  We were joined by Duke, Tom, Franklin, Paul and Dan.  Paul was nervous about leaving his brand spanking new steel 29’er in the back of his truck, so he brought it inside and we all oohed and awed appropriately.  Minutes include: the jump to conclusions mat, Franklin started the “Let’s be Honest” campaign, David is obsessed with the missing Malaysian airline and the conspiracy theories,  Canola Fest V Rape Fest, Jerry Loeppky ran into a Maple Leaf Menno in Los Angeles, cloudy with a chance of making stuff up, assumptions = making an Ass out of U and Mptions, upcoming long-weekend cycling schedule: July – Cuyuna, August– Maah Daah Hey, September– Riding mountain, journaling and crafting for university credits, D is for degree, rocking out at our age is still cool – but not during the week, Got Shmaunt Fat?, race director Franklin is planning a three-pronged race for next Thursday, and the quote of the night, “Not working is part of the job.”  Good times.
Jerr-balls and James Reimer

Bruce and Paul work on the new steel steed before the ThNR.

Race photos - Bruce and Ben returned to the ACC in record time.  Bruce received extra bonus points for sledding on his bike.  Here are some pics from The Killer B’s

Well done boys.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


It was cool to see those dudes shovelling and snow blowing at The Bridge on Sunday.

Enjoy this playful video.

The Thursday night ride dudes are pretty cool too.
See you at 8.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Race Pics

Marguerite and Cheryl made a fine race duo.  I'm not sure what they were doing but it looked like they had a good time doing it.  

Shots of Goldschlagger

clubhouse knockdown games.
good helping

The goldschlagger must be kicking in.

Is this the helping or illegal picture

So good!
bonus points for chips

Why not.
Excuse me, sir?

That's a good deal.

They DQ'd but kind of won the race.  
Well done ladies.

Monday, March 10, 2014

AWBR Remembered

What a beautiful day for a bike ride - good friends, bikey fun, and food I didn't have to prepare.  So much goodness.  We should do that again!

Here are some pics from David and I, and a sampling from teams Joanne/Cindy and David/Shaun.

A good turnout at the ACC
Everybody was eager to play outside

Knockdown games

David may have been crowned world champion of the world,
but James is the local feared beard of knockdowns
Everybody loves to see a crash
Franklin disappointed

Cindy goes "Wrecking Ball" on the ox

Joanne! Are you OK?
bonus points for the spewing blood

Shaun shows his respect
Who's a good boy?

Thanks to Gavin for generously taking care of the kids and to Dan for picking up the pizza and to both of them for working the technology.  Also, Bruce / Back Alley Cycle surprised us by donating some bike schwag for prizes - thanks Bruce.  Good times.

More photos of the race will be posted soon.  I am accepting bribes for preferential editing.  JS 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

ThNR Report

Franklin, David, James, Albert, Shaun and I met, as is our way.  James broke his chain cycling up my driveway so Franklin took him home for repairs and the rest of us watched the rest of the Jets game in the basement.  We re-gathered and took to the snowy streets to swerve and swing about.  David was taking bets as to who would fall first.  As karma would have it, he had a beautiful belly-flop during a game of knock down.  Tom found us and we continued on until James broke his chain again.  He and Tom trudged to the clubhouse and the rest of us made our way to the park paths and a quick race.  Of the 5 remaining cyclists, Franklin destroyed the competition and there were two DQ’s and a dozen take-downs.  We retired to the clubhouse where Dan and Duke had found the ABES walkers.  Minutes include: Albert shared pictures of his LA/Arizona cycling trip and told us of their unaware reservations at a nude spa (sure), Shaun was enjoying his sports related tourettes, no beard = the facial Brazilian, we voted and passed a motion to spend our meat money on a smoker, we were gearing up for our ABES team trivia night, clubhouse bathroom graffiti developments are improving, Oh those Russians, Gavin’s back is f’d, “Man, I feel like a woman” DS, 80’s Metallica V Hall and Oates, PK curls the dead rock, CBC sports sucks arse, Sunday night Brier finals, Dan orders pizza without cheese = breadsticks, Paul Anka sings Jump by Van Halen, and then we all shared our feelings.  Good times.

We'll meet at the Curling club this Sunday at 2:30 for an afternoon of winter cycling goodness.  Bring a camera for the Ride and Go Seek Photo Scavenger Hunt.  Gimpy Gavin has agreed to tend the tots.  See you there!  JS

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Let's ride bike.

See you at 8.