Friday, December 27, 2013

ThNR Report

Gavin, James, Franklin, David and I gathered to spin off the turkey and gravy goodness of the holidays.  We cycled the usual haunts and played the usual games.  We were also  waiting for a clubhouse solution to present itself; enter Albert and his second (or third?) garage/future clubhouse?  Albert created enough chairs and also provided peanuts, chips, beef jerky and festive turkey jerky for the meeting.  We were joined by Dan, Shaun and the Duke - Minutes include: worst Christmas present - an Amish made pencil holder, best presents - cash and wrestling masks, Jesus was a carpenter (and look where it got him), Burning Dan Festival, peeing on your buddy's leg in the shower, Mennonite history, watching cross races at work, HD Zoomies, Dan's a funny guy at the border, don't lean on the wall, Peter Pocklington is in jail, Coen brother burials, and everybody poops their pants.
Albert plays with a rifle
Can't return a sign or tie his boots
"Temptation"/"$5 hooker"

Pink dress shirt insulation
Good times.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Boxing Day Ride

Hows a bouts a bike ride to celebrate the birth of boxing.

  Anybody know if the clubhouse is open?

See you at 8.

Friday, December 20, 2013

ThNR Report

Curt, Franklin, Bruce, Gavin, Shaun, James, David and I met to cycle around town.  We lost Curt “slicks” T., James “studs” D. and David “meow” S. quickly but the rest of us found our way along Buffalo creek to slip on the ice, plow through the snow and trudge through the reeds and drifts until we found the way back to our beloved clubhouse.  Steven and Duke joined us for the meeting where minutes include: Shaun and Franklin were groped by a drunk dude, the Copenhagen wheel, skiing in Canmore that isn’t downhill?, million dollar hand warming ideas (patents pending), David’s racing!?, flesh tone skin suits - gross, wake up it’s time for bed, meat draw misses, David still hasn’t returned our ABES sign = shit sandwiches for Christmas, jerks with flashlights, Pete and Tina, Bruce has awesome cycling boots, Gavin was ready to tackles a kid at the school Christmas concert, Shauns pants are indestructible…until they fall apart, ear/moustache wax, and “you guys are guys, right?”  Good times.  JS

Frosted shredded wheat beard
Steven made his own winter cycling boots.
DB at the ABES Spring Ride

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Dress warm boys.
See you at 8.

Friday, December 13, 2013

ThNR Report

Mike, James, Shaun, Gavin and I warmed up in the kitchen before cycling in town and country on roads, rinks, parks and paths.  Nobody berated us so that was a nice change.  We were joined at the clubhouse by Franklin, Duke, Dan, Albert, Steve, David, DB and Lyle.  Twice as many attended the meeting than the bike ride.  Minutes include: asking your cousin (another guy) to be your grad date, I got free chicken wings, Paul B has two pairs of fuzzy orange pants, David is neglecting his erection duties, Dan’s back does not have his back, the Sweet Cheryl Koop video, Franklin uses his bike trainer next to his wood stove, Shaun wrestled his former girlfriend to the ground and farted on her face, Lyle has pared down his bike stable from 7 to 3.5, Steve kills and grills, Duke received a $650 phone bill, girlfriends who creep in to your house, David Downer, and breakups that don’t take.

Dan's new do
DB goes Christmas shopping
Good times.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Pre-ride whiskey will be served. 
See you at 8.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

ThNR Report

James, DB, Franklin, Shaun, Albert and I braved the elements.  We stayed warm by cycling around town and plodding through drifts but we got hot under the collar by being lectured to by the town cops.  Apparently they will “give us tickets until we’re broke” if we don’t cycle single file.  Sigh.  Apparently making people wait 4 seconds on the bustling streets of Altona at 9 pm is a bigger issue than we realized.  Double sigh.  We eventually retired to the clubhouse where we found Duker.  Minutes include: DB suggested an act of civil disobedience with a naked bike ride in winter – that’ll show ’em  the final curling shot was a double-raise for the win – very nice, cypress hill on the jukebox made me smile, frozen nuts, new jersey design submissions are encouraged, Shaun want to buy a house/clubhouse, the cops are club profiling, David still hasn’t put the ABES sign back at the clubhouse (WTF), Franklin was sporting his XL oil rig/Ronald McDonald boots, Duke suggested we need an ABES safety supervisor/legal counsel, James recalled the Kevin Martins/Corn Gate incident, and Shaun suggested that all pork draw proceeds pay for our cop tickets.  Good times.  JS

Franklin likes big boots (and he cannot lie)
DB seeks a pre-ride snack 
Cheryl and I have our own advent calendar.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


It's windy, cold, and icy.  What say you?  Hells ya or hells no?

The hells ya crowd meets at 8.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Buffalo Creek Ride

We cycled until we couldn't cycle no mo.  
It was awesome.  JS