Gavin, Ike, Dan, James, David, Ben, Shaun, Myron, Curt, Steven and I gathered at HQ and decided to test our skills with a night ride on the creek. We made our way to Buffalo creek and rode north. The open ice was trecherous but the snow covered sections were fun and ridable. We cycled north until we ran out of snow to ride on, then hightailed it back to town on a gravel road. It was a fun and challenging ride – defenitley worth repeating. Ike wore warmer clothes this week but his slick road tires must have been a challenge on the creek. He’s a trooper. We gathered at the clubhouse where we were joined by Giles and Paul B. The minute taker was feeling lazy. We talked about many things. Often very funny things. You should have been there. Good times. JS
File photo of Giles at Steve's birthday party toast
I’m still in need of a bike rack for Barn Cross. Anyone?
My wife and I are thinking about going to the barn race. JS There would be room for another person and his ride.
ReplyDeleteMy car is full. You might want to talk to Albert Falk if you need a ride. JS