Movember 1, 8:00
$5 and a pen will get you started. Lights would be a great idea.
A 3 minute time deduction if you have a shaved upper lip.
A 9 minute time deduction if you have a shaved upper lip and your name is Albert, James or PW.
BYOB to ABES headquarters and I’ll tote it to your final resting place.
Our father,
who rides in heaven,
hollow be thy frame.
Thy links' cogs run.
Thy wheel be done on earth,
as it is in bicycle heaven.
Give us this day our steely thread.
And forgive us our dents,
as we forgive our denters.
So why not lead us into temptation,
as long as you're delivering us from evil:
for thine is the kingdom,
and the pedal power,
and the chrome-plated glory, forever.