Altona was hit with a beautiful blanket of snow. The first snowfall is the best time to ride your bike across yards, fields, and through drifts; the snow is soft and waiting to be tagged.
If you've never ridden bike in winter it's hard to believe how much traction you have and how the exercise keeps you warm. Finding the right balance of clothing takes some trial and error. Fortunately for us no matter how far our ride takes us we're never more than 10 minutes away from home and a change of clothes.
How many ABES have the what it takes to ride all winter? Are we fair-weather or all-season? TIme will tell who has the nards and who prefers daintier pursuits.
The Thursday night ride is on. See you fellers at my pad on Thursday at 9:00.
Any volunteers to plan the December Nordic Cross? Just set a date, plan a course and the fun will follow. JS
Cannot come got the kidlets home, wife is out.
Gavin, Lorne, Charles, Dan, Albert, Paul, and I rode the slippery streets, trails and front yards of Altona. Not a bad turn out for the first snow/ice ride of the year. The Trans Canada Trail beside the village was a challenging slog and so were the trails around the pond. It was a slow night at the clubhouse which meant nobody was plugging the jukebox with crappy/loud music. Duke joined us for our rehydration therapy. Bike gear, winter clothing and an upcoming poker night were discussed. Good times as per usual. JS