Friday, August 16, 2013

ThNR Report

Curt, Albert, Dan, Shaun, James and I met for our weekly spin around town.  We held a nice pace but got spotted cruising through two stop signs by the chief of police (off-duty); if there is any backlash we’ll launch Operation Lesbian Preacher to the local press to divert any unwanted attention.  We also rode to the park to test-run a proposed Southern Cross course.  We retired to the clubhouse and were joined by fun-boys Tom, Duke and Schiesse.  Minutes include: Curt got Crème de Jeans at Carnival, Nash is looking really good these days, bacon jerky exists, Curt used a service bell app to get our servers attention (brilliant), Dan was full from the 5 pounds of French fries he ate for supper but was still hungry for late night wings, Dandy V Fop, Davids addadicktomy surgery was a “success”, trains blowing their horns at 12:30 and 4:30 in the morning is bunk, Shaun shared his maple syrup flavoured smokes, anything goes in Bomber Land these days, and if cycling had an arm wrestling component - Curt would take the gold – he is freakishly strong and proved it by beating local tough guy Justin (Juice) and breaking the table.  Good times.  JS

My pipe cleaner arms didn't stand a chance.
Curt won the Righty
Juice took the Lefty
Shaun and Schiesse discuss the latest
in Campagnolo smoking technology

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