Sunday, June 23, 2013

ThNR Report

The rain seemed like it was going to pour at any moment all day, but it never materialized so Charles and I were able to enjoy the thrills and humiliation of riding the Tinker trials - it was great.  The rest of the ABES crew stayed close to home and pushed their pedals around town; where Franz-man and Patrick returned after a long hiatus from the ThNR.  

The clubhouse was unusually busy and minutes include: nobody knows what an acre is (160 squared rods?), Blue Jays are winning?, living life right V living life correctly, operation Muerto teams: DB and Franklin & Steven and Gavin, Duke is looking for a house in Altona's little Germany, David is involved in the Canadian health care system where the motto seems to be - time heals all wounds, Steven is looking to add a fixie to his bike collection, Shaun was reluctantly celebrating his birthday, most people bitch way too much, and Steve returned without a cast on his leg.  Good times.  JS

Chaz near the invisible trail head
Shaun celebrates his birth with some girls (drinks)
James is on the patch 
Cowlicks are in the house
Steve is back on the horse - hurray!

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