Friday, December 10, 2010

Race Report

James, David, Charles, Bruce, Curt, Dan, and Myron raced.  They all tried to locate checkpoints, answer trivia, shoot a gun, change a tire and do math for the honor and glory of being crowned Jive Turkey Champ.  Speed, brains, skill, and luck were required, but ultimately it was Bruce’s impressive ability to change a tire that gave him the title.  It’s as if he owns a bike store or something.  Well done Bruce.  Curt was the sharpest of shooters and took home some cash for his talent.  It’s as if he owns a bike store or something.  Charles marksmanship proved he's more of a lover than a fighter.  Tom and Schiesse joined us at the Clubhouse where the minutes include: The South Village Poker Tournament, the UFC match, dream bikes, Schiesse’s “new” Coppi bike, Kick-Ass, catching pneumonia V phenomenon, scotch club, heated garages, Bulgarian DJ’s, da bears, wipeouts and loving loving bikes.  Good times.  JS 

Pre-race pole dance
Dan at the bike shop 

Jive Turkey Champ
American buds

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