It was coolish. But people (as always) showed up. James, Duker, PK, Franklin, Shaun, special guest Ian Hall and myself (DS) managed to convene at HQ and after chatting and procrastinating, rode. Out and back through the village then over to the Park to climb and descend and forgoe a knockdown on the ultra slick pond. This is where my ride ended (Fuck you knee!) but the others headed North. Curt T. passed me as I limped back to the clubhouse and apparently he caught up with them. Back at Grumpy's the Duker rolled in (we'd lost him somewhere) and we sat down for some beverages. The rest of the crew showed up sporadically over the next little while (including Lyle, fresh from the big foggy city) and we discussed (amongst other things): the Sunflower Festival gravel/road race (the reason Ian graced us with his presence), music for said race (
Andrew Neville and the Poor Choices)?, bike shops v. places that sell bikes, PK wants to hit children in airports, the ABES MTN Bike wknd and entry/inviation to the event, dinosaur tails = penis insertion (natch), getting the strap, Lorne Triska and possibly the finest Cougar/Older Bar Wench moniker of all time...High Mileage. All in all a delightful evening. We should try it again sometime.
James, the abominable cyclist |
Sorry I missed it but glad to be back from our trip out east. FYI, if someone sees my bike ridding sound town with me not on it, please let me know. I realize that I just returned from a 20 hour car ride but I can't seem to find my ride?? I hope this is a total brain fart but I have no recollection as to where I may have left it. Let me know if any of you have any ideas as to where I may have left it or leads on another bike to buy!