Friday, August 1, 2014

ThNR report (via Albert)

5 trusty riders Lonnie Steve , James, Mike, and Albert showed up for a 20k ride about town averaging 27k/h. James burned 957 calories Steve only 730. Hit the clubhouse in time to see the Bombers pull it out on the last play of the game. 

Bill Klassen consignment auction. James reminisced about selling his F150. U name it we got it. Forrest Gump lawn mower that got away from Steve. 
Lonnie found some coolant lines for his bus. 
James has spare bikes in his basement without front wheels. Steve trying to call 911 with his phone screen locked, after a bike accident- not funny really. 
James learned to ride bicycle in grade 2,  Steve was riding dirt bikes at age 5. 
Gell pigs--ask Steve 

Drew Willy's Hail Mary pass(s)
Steve got stung by a bee while riding
US motorcycle helmet less riders
Saskatchewan is not flat. 
Alice cooper and Mötley Crüe at sturgis falls.

1 comment:

  1. steve was riding dirt bike at age 4 lets get it right
