Friday, August 27, 2010

Cross is Boss

Mike G from Red River Racing
hammers through the sand
at last years Southern Cross

The AD/DC and The Penner family MS FUNdraiser (report and pictures pending) started the Cross season in a very tasty manner.  The Cross wheels keep turning in a more official vein with the MCA.  The schedule of races can be found on the MCA site or here.  If you are interested in racing the MCA Cross season, buy a citizen license for $40.  The citizen license is an attempt to lure novice/curious riders into the scene.  You can only buy the citizen license once, after that you need to buy a regular MCA license.  The citizen license includes free race registration to all cross races - a steal of a deal as most races this year will cost $15.  There are three races that don't require an MCA license - Menno Cross, St. Malo and Altona, but the real deal of the day is the citizen license.  Can I get a witness?  JS

1 comment:

  1. Just a note to all interested ABES members. I have a limited number of ABES t-shirts for sale. They'll be up for grabs (first paid - first served) at Thursdays meeting. Bring $15 cash and one of these beauties can be yours. Also, a new proposal on what we can do with our soon to be piles of excess cash.
