Friday, January 31, 2014

ThNR Report

James, Shaun, Franky and I braved the cold and cycled around town.  The snow-cyclocross course was in perfect conditions, the ice at the pond was slick and the town had cleared the paths through tall drifts in the park.  We retired to the clubhouse where we were joined by Dan, Tom, David, Duke and copious amounts of hot popcorn.  Minutes include: Shaun used his Dogecoin to help send an Indian luger to the winter olympics, Russian fly-by’s and casual car crashes, we were advised on the benefits of eating chicken feet by a friendly stranger, carnival V carnal Val, plans for and ABES keezer, February 13 – Franky’s Full Moon Frenzy (dubious details a’comin), Dan used his snow-blower and found a beer bottle and scattered shards of glass in his front yard, Dumb Dumb David got stuck three times at work this week (to the frustration and delight of his co-workers), old-school snowmobile jacket belts, Dan plans to run for town council, James enjoyed free beer and smokes all night, SD had pig shit stuck n his teeth and didn’t care anymore, biking isn’t bad-ass – it’s cheap (maybe both), the CFL quarterback shuffle begins, Dyck ice cream, it was a weak week, and the Southern Cross 2015 prizes will include a pair of Jet’s Tickets.  Good times. 

Shaun graciously agreed to be the race director tomorrow.  Races start at 11:30 behind the MEC.  Thanks Shaun.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


It takes a village to have a bike club: a race is director needed for the Altona Winter Carnival this Saturday.  If you can say 1,2,3, go! you're qualified.  Easy peasy (pleasy).
See you at 8.

Friday, January 24, 2014

ThNR Report

James, Duke, Gavin, David and I (aka grad ‘88 and friends) met for the group ride.  We sampled the snow-cross course, trudged our way through drifts and enjoyed mild winter temps.  We were briefly joined by Albert at the clubhouse where minutes include: getting bike bits across the border, Barn Cross is THIS weekend Albert, David likes the word stanchions, Duke is going to build a clubhouse this summer (or have a clubhouse built)?, Shaun was sick but did send his regards (Hi / F.U.), DB was stranded 2 km’s from home during a snowstorm last week, James scored a seven ender, Duke is willing to buy half of Franklins Jets ticket share, Justin Beiber was drinking and driving responsibly, Gavin recalled going to wrestling matches with his dad in the house that Hulk built, Duke was chosen to be in a knife throwing circus act in Mexico, Homeland V Heartland, True Detective V Danger Bay V The Edison Twins, David complained that the Jets game was too loud – HA, and in my humble opinion, my opinions are the best.  Good times.  JS

The photo friendly giant
Up and over the drift at the snow-cross course
DSwank opts for the oh so classy shopping bag boot liner

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Let's have some fun.

See you at 8.

PS - Grad '88 RULES!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

ThNR Report

Mike, Gavin, Shaun, and I braved the weather and cycled around our humble hamlet.  It was cold and windy but probably the nicest weather of the day.  Mike and Gavin climbed the hill, the ice had beautiful snow formations, the drifts were hard enough to bike on (until you broke through) and the intersections were icy.  There were more people joining us for the meeting than the ride, including: Steve, Franklin, Steven, Albert, Tom and David.  Minutes include: sunburnt bald spots, a 1 hour commute from Gretna to Altona in a snowstorm, Franklin was sporting his new Amish beard, ski jump wing suit, Shaun wants to buy a new house/clubhouse, Nordic Combined is a thing (ski jump and cross country ski), snowboarding events sponsored by Cheetos, Steven enjoyed his first cross country ski skate race, Albert is going to cycle in Arizona with Walter, no way V yahweh, kids are expensive, curling on the infamous Halbstadt ice, threesomes, kite skiing, the Altona Winter Festival is February 1 – bike races at 11:30, Cheryl is no longer the Athena lush, curling in Las Vegas, DB is special, Steve caught a beauty trout while ice fishing, and drugs aren’t a problem in school today – they’re better than ever!  There were no photos this week but check out this crazy mofo…
Good times.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The bike ride is on, natch.
I'll see you country mice at 8.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Barn Cross

Our biking brothers and sisters at Dark Red Racing are organizing an afternoon of bike racing and rabble rousing, and we’re all invited.  The goodness takes place on Sunday, January 26 from 3:00 - 7:00 at the Misty River Ranch.  

It’s cycling in a barn – hellsya!  $10 entry fee and BYOB.

Friday, January 10, 2014

ThNR Report

Chaz, James, David, Curt, Mike, Shaun, Albert, DB, Franklin and I met for the best THnR of the year.  It was a beautiful winter night to cycle as the roads were sticky and  the weather was mild.  We took to the streets, country, paths, and a sweet snow course that DS made.  The nature park ice was extra grippy but the hill was not climbable unless you’re a stud like Mike.   The brave ones rode down the hill without touching their brakes – David actually meowed as he squeeeeked his way down the hill.  Albert put on a good show as he fishtailed and crashed in a magnificent heap at the bottom of the hill - showoff.  We retired to the clubhouse which was filled with old-timers and no music – sugoi!  El Duque joined us and minutes include: viable passenger train service in Canada, David fiiiiiiiiiiiinaly returned the ABES sign to it rightful place, the Jets are consistently inconsistent, Duke’s hydro bill last month was $575, no wings or popcorn = McDonalds delights, Strength Through Joy/ABES/Nazi logos, our new clubhouse will include a hospitality suite, an assassination theme park, Athena bike club = Drake groupies,  Nanoo-Nanoo, smart feller V fart smeller, and DB’s gross phone is powered by electrolytes.  The spring ride takes place on June 13-15 (mumblefathersday).  It will be awesome.  

David submitted these beauties

Good times.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


The Thursday Night Ride weather looks pretty good for a change.  Beautiful even yet once.  Makes me daydream about our Spring ride.  Will it be on June 6-8 or 13-15?  Check your calendars and talk with the Mrs.  Share your druthers at the meeting.

 See you at 8.

Friday, January 3, 2014

ThNR Report

Chaz, Shaun, James, Curt and I braved the cold and cycled about on sluggish bikes.  The paths were mostly cleared, the hill was climbable and I was the self-proclaimed world champion of the world at knockdowns.  David and Duke joined us at the clubhouse where minutes include: hair in odd places - the joys of growing old, uncle Phil is dead, forgetting your teeth at home, Shaun used to rock out with Pentera, Curt likes compression clothing, Leo is too big for his car, The Jets lost their first game since David and Franklin made a bet (David has 10-1 odds that the Jets will make the playoffs), Lisa is allergic to cinnamon and gold, Sweet Cheryl Koop is incapacitated, and it was unanimously agreed that David is both lazy and an asshole.

DB looking for donations 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I miss our sign.

See you at 8.